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Delivered 2-23! BENTLEY

Updated: Mar 28, 2023

"You have made his day. You have made my day. We are just overjoyed."

~ Demi, Bentley's mom

Pictures of the surprise delivery of your "Friend Mail" to 12-year-old Bentley at his home in Georgia!

~ Bentley's Story ~

6th Grader (12) from Georgia beaten by bullies for being the white child of a Black family.

Bentley/ November 2022 Recipient

Bentley is "witty, very silly, caring and loves hard," says his mom. Always a nurturing child, he's a great hugger, especially loves babies and even helps his mom with her pedicures! The 6th Grader from rural Georgia enjoys volunteering at his parents' community non-profit ( where he "is a magnet to the seniors." He helps take boxes to their cars and whatever else he can do. When Bentley has time for himself, he loves to read, design Anime, write computer code and play Minecraft. The 12-year-old hopes to become a Coder when he grows up, and maybe focus on "special effects" for the entertainment industry.

This caring boy has been targeted by bullies in his new middle school for being who he is: the white son of a Black family.

The bullying came as a complete shock for Bentley and his well-respected family. He was adopted as an infant and has thrived through elementary school in the same town and never experienced any racial bullying. That is, until he entered 6th Grade, where statistically bullying peaks in the USA. At first, Bentley kept the verbal and physical bullying to himself, but his parents found out when this good kid got in trouble at school for the first time. He explained he "got tired" of the bullying but still knew it was wrong to threaten the bully "to leave him alone or I'm gonna kill you." It was during his suspension and ultimate therapy that Bentley revealed to his parents what was happening to him for standing out as different at the predominantly Black school.


Bentley is called names like "cracker" and told "your mother didn't want you." The bullies have isolated him from his peers at school, saying "this is a Black school." He was stabbed in the mouth with a pencil. The bullies say things to him like...

"Your mom don't love you."

"You don't know who your dad is."

"Your mom dropped you off at their house."

"Your daddy is the milkman."

A few weeks ago, the bullying culminated with an attack in the Boys' Room where Bentley was cornered in a stall and punched. The assault continued into gym class, despite his pleas for help. The bullies took his book bag, beat him and knocked him off the bleachers where he had run to escape. His mom got a call from the school that her son had been knocked unconscious. Horrified, she picked him up and took him to the ER where he was diagnosed with a concussion.

Bentley never went back to school. His parents do not believe he is safe there, emotionally or physically, and are looking for homeschool programs. The traumatized 6th Grader has become fearful and withdrawn. He won't talk much about it, but he "won't go back to public school" and says "the teachers don't protect me." He is scared to go to sleep at night.


This YOUTUBE INTRODUCTION OF Bentley by our On-Air Super Teen Ambassador, Brielle Withers, is a good choice for young students to learn his story:

You can learn more about Bentley's story from Reporter Kaitlyn Ross in her October 10th news feature on 11 Alive News, Georgia.

AMBASSADORS..... BENTLEY NEEDS TO FEEL YOUR PEER SUPPORT! LET'S SHOW HIM THERE ARE MORE KIND KIDS THAN MEAN KIDS IN THE WORLD, AND THAT DIFFERENCES ARE AWESOME. Your empathy, kindness, inspiration and support are just what he needs to feel confident and hopeful again. Let's show his bullies that the world is watching and KINDNESS RULES.



Friend Mail must arrive in our NY office for review by the Due Date to be included in the main surprise delivery.

Mail "PHYSICAL" letters to:

Be A Friend Project

P.O. Box 30

Beacon, NY 12508

Email letters, videos, scans & Google Drive links, send to:



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