Thanks for checking in! WE DELIVERED!
Xzavier received 1,633 LETTERS of peer support on 4/11/19!
Please consider writing our CURRENT Friend Mail Recipient!
Xzavier's mom, Kandy, writes:
"I find letters in his bed at night.
He reads a few in bed before he goes to bed each night ...
This could not have come at a better time for our family as we have had a lot going on ... We all needed something like this to bring a huge smile to all of our faces. Thank you guys!!

Xzavier, his mom Kandy and little brother!
Charming Xazvier received 1,633 letters and lots of special gifts to connect with his hobbies, especially cars - and Hot Wheels!
"I just wanted to let you know he is doing very well. Much better in high school but he still has a few kids picking on him. One broke his headphones but he has a lot more friends to help make it manageable. He is getting really big."
THANKS, KANDY, for these pics from Xzavier's 15th Birthday and 8th Grade Graduation! Friend Strong Family Forever! Congrats, Xzavier:
Original Post
THIS YOUTUBE INTRODUCTION OF XZAVIER is a good choice for young students!
~ By On-Air Teen Super Ambassador, Brielle Withers:
13-year-old New Hampshire boy
has never had anyone to call "friend."
Xzavier is different from other kids in his rural New Hampshire town with a population so small that 10 towns converge to attend one high school. Xzavier has mild cerebral palsy, epilepsy and autism. On top of that, his mom says they are "really poor"and his younger brother is also special needs. Xzavier has been bullied his whole life.
This handsome 8th Grader earns money doing jobs like yard work and will spend most of it buying gifts for his siblings and mom. He's very protective of his little 8-year-old brother. Xzavier loves taking things apart to see how they work
and he LOVES cars and toy Hot Wheels!
Xavier didn't talk until he was 4, and sometimes he still has trouble. Sometimes he loses track of what he is saying and will repeat the same thing over and over. He has been hit a lot by other kids, made fun of for various things including the way he talks. Bullies yell at him "STOP STUTTERING" ... "STUPID" ... "IDIOT" ..."RETARDED." They've told him they're "GOING TO HURT HIM" and "GOING TO KILL HIM." Bullies tell him that his "CLOTHES LOOK UGLY" because his family can't afford fancy clothes. The first time his mom remembers physical bullying was 3rd grade when they kicked and hit him as he curled up in a ball on the ground. In 5th Grade, they choked him on the playground. Now, even though he is bigger than the other 8th Graders at 5'10", he still never lashes out at his bullies.
This school year, Xzavier was whacked in the face with a notebook. And worse, the very day he came back to school from surgery to remove his tonsils, a classmate who had previously threatened to kill him, punched him hard in the throat. That bully was expelled from the school. However, this incident was the last straw over a lifetime of bullying and the 13-year-old had to spend two weeks in a hospital over the Christmas break to help him deal emotionally with the bullying. When he returned to school, the school's well-meaning efforts to both educate and protect Xzavier by pairing him with an aide for every minute of the day have also isolated him from other kids.
Xzavier could really use a boost in self esteem, his mom said when she wrote to us. She hopes receiving your "Friend Mail" will play a big part! Xzavier has never had a friend. Even when a classmate treats him with respect, they still won't invite him over or out anywhere. He believes nobody likes him.